Matador of Whitefield
Arrived from Scotland one fabulous pony, Matador of Whitefield, who has joined the team and will be co-running the stud with Dougie. He seems to have settled in well and is the most delightful pony to have around. It has to be said that each and every time I have anything to do with a Highland pony stallion, the more it is re-enforced that they are a joy to handle. There must be exceptions but I have yet to meet one.
New Addition to the Family
A new addition to the family is Ronnie, who decided that there was a gap in the market when Chalkie left for Green Pastures, and she moved in with us a couple of weeks ago. So nice to have help around the ponies, in the office, driving etc. again - in fact constant company. I think Chalkie must have arranged it for me.
Major Tom
Isla, on Dartmoor, is having fun
"Yesterday" and I quote "after an enquiry about Pony Club from a parent with two
horse-mad daughters, about whether they needed to own ponies to belong to the pony club, I invited them along to meet my Highlands and to groom Isla, who I knew would enjoy the attention."
"She stood while I showed Saskia how to use the various brushes, lifted her feet for Saskia to practise, after I had picked them out and she stood like a statue while she was patted and chatted to. The child was so nice and so keen and ecstatic about being with a pony that I asked her if she would like to have a sit on Isla; so she borrowed my hat, stuffed with cotton wool for a snug fit, helped me tack her up and then walked and trotted while I chatted to her parents. Dear little Isla. I knew I could trust her. What amazing ponies these Highlands are.
Photo through the ears of Isla."
Spey has had an extraordinarily good season, unbeaten as a Highland yearling. The NPS Summer Championships at Malvern, where he was watched by his breeder, Penny Smith, he won the Highland yearling class, much to everyone's delight. And this despite being a bit bright on the day. Manners restored he was 2nd. in a well filled Large Breeds yearling class at Equifest, to a lovely Welsh pony which went on to be supreme champion. No disgrace there.
He will be home after Newbury Show having grown up into a young man under the capable tutelage of Philip.
Another pony who has recently returned to the fold after a Summer holiday, surfing and having fun with Mel and Iona in Dorset, is Rupert. Just to remind us what a special pony he is, he is shown here in party mode.
Now Mother's ride, as Monty has finally been 'retired to the paddocks' where his duties are looking after the youngsters.
Stars of the Month
Our stars of the month are Delilah and Pat. Having now qualified for THREE dressage championships this year, Delilah has also taken up jumping, which she loves. It must be remembered that, without giving any secrets away, Pat will soon be twenty score years old - add to that her numerous metal inserts - does this not merit an award in itself?
Thanks to Facebook
Thanks to Facebook (I never thought that I would say that) I have found the new owner of Rosella, who left here as a youngster to head for the New Forest.
She is now grown up and doing lots of exciting things with her new owner - not least being Supreme Champion at Cadnam Show recently in a ridden class and competing in dressage classes.
Our first Great Grandson
Then we have Lanark's (Lanark our first Great Grandson, that is) successes to comment on. He was bought by Polly last year and shown as a yearling at the start of this year, doing fearfully well. Fortunately he and Spey's paths did not cross otherwise it would have been nailbiting time. Lanarks path took him to several venues with Philip Ward-Burton, including Hickstead, where we have not ventured before, but best to date was his appearance at The Royal Three Counties where he convincingly won the Yearling slot. Well done Polly and Philip.
21.7.14 - Nashend Lord Spey
Nashend Lord Spey had his first outing yesterday with Philip Ward-Burton (20/7) and was a creditable 3rd. in a well filled Large Breeds Youngstock class – also Best Yearling. Really pleased as the little fellow behaved beautifully and it was a nice warm up for a bigger show in a couple of weeks time.
11.7.14 Late foal arrives
Balleroy Minstrel
Sadly not all the June news was good. Balleroy Minstrel, the most prolific of winners to have been bred here, left to join his forbears. Owned and loved beyond belief by Cate Carnegie, Mins went to her as a foal and grew into the most formidable Champion of Champions. Sire of only a few, due to his strenuous showing career, but nonetheless leaving his mark on what he bred.
Canadian Visitor
Earlier in the year we had a visit from a delightful Highland pony enthusiast from Canada, by name of Sheri Larsen. Today (15.7) I had the kindest letter from her together with attached photographs, in which she said, and I quote “when people ask me what was my best experience on my holiday, I tell them the day I spent with you and your ponies was the highlight”. Just amazing what Highlands can do to people.